Solip Park (Doctor of Arts)
Game Researcher / Diversity and Game Work Culture / International Communication / Comic Artist
ORCID: 0000-0001-5581-435X
Game Researcher / Diversity and Game Work Culture / International Communication / Comic Artist
ORCID: 0000-0001-5581-435X
Hello! I am a post-doc researcher at University of Jyväskylä and Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture, with current research interest focused on immigrants in the video game industry, cultural diversity in game productions, and gameplay cultures in Finland and South Korea. I am also the author and artist of "Game Expats Story" comic series, which is part of my doctoral dissertation "Understanding Game Work Migration: Game Expats in Finland" (research-based, graduated 31.12.2024, Passed with Distinction). I have two master degree, one from Carnegie Mellon University in the USA (Master of Entertainment Technology), and Aalto University in Finland (Master of Arts) where I was announced as the winner of Game Thesis Competition 2020 by Finnish Game Research Society.
I work as a co-host and teacher at "Games Now!" open lecture series and cross-cultural online jam at Aalto University, while also working as a project researcher at University of Jyväskylä and its EU-funded "Ontological Reconstruction of Gaming Disorder (ORE)" project. I am a member of the deputy board at Finnish Game Jam Ry and member of the board at DiGRA-K (the South Korean chapter of the Digital Game Research Association). Prior to my academic career, Solip worked at game companies and startup scenes in the USA, South Korea, and Finland, focusing on project management, event coordination, and international relations. I also used to actively involved with Finnish and South Korean startup ecosystem, being an entrepreneur myself, and once the first South Korean to acquire Finland's startup entrepreneur residence permit in 2018.
I was one of the founding members of Nexon Computer Museum - the first permanent museum in East Asia dedicated to the history of computer and video games, located in South Korea.
I was one of the founding members of Nexon Computer Museum - the first permanent museum in East Asia dedicated to the history of computer and video games, located in South Korea.
#Games #Research #Ethnography #GameProductionCulture #ExpatsinGames #ProblematicGaming
#ProjectManagement #InternationalRelations #Finland #SouthKorea #Diversity #Inclusivity
#ProjectManagement #InternationalRelations #Finland #SouthKorea #Diversity #Inclusivity